Day Twenty- Five: Something I am Currently Worrying About

Health Insurance

Aside from usually always worrying about EVERYTHING, I am currently worried about aging off my parents health insurance in 2 months. It scares me to no end.

So, I have obviously had my share of health issues. I didn’t even give a second thought to health insurance when I was 18-19 which is probably why I chose Acting as my major and not something more practical that would have given me a job and health insurance at this point in my life. But, thats not what happened haha and be that as it may, I have only held jobs that didn’t really have much of growth or future, and also that I wasn’t very happy with. Where I work now, I am pretty content, but I don’t find myself learning A LOT, I am not VERY challenged, I am just kind of comfortable. So, onto the quest of finding a career for myself that is challenging, fun that I am good at and that I can make a decent living, with health insurance.

I have no idea where to even start. I am mildly smart, I learn things quickly, I have a great attention to detail and I am extremely organized. I don’t love having to deal with the general public on a daily basis, it is not my favorite thing, but I have gotten a lot better dealing with, and talking to and helping people without taking their, for lack of better work, shit personally.

I have always been interested in the entertainment business, theater, film, television. I’ve always wanted to be an actress. I wouldn’t mind being a film critic, or even someone behind the scenes, if I fit into that. I have thought about event planning, I think my skill set would be very useful in that field. And in the back of my mind, I have always wanted to be a Lawyer, but I couldn’t see myself learning all the crazy cases and I don’t think that job would give me the proper amount of fun I need. Lately I have also been toying with the thought of being a counselor of some sort. But goodness knows my advice may not always be the best.

So, I need to find my niche in life, and pursue it. So that I can get health care.

That is what I am worried about.